One Piece: Horny Days #3 – “Secretary Kalifa’s meal”


Meanwhile inside the classroom, Secretary Kalifa is having a meal before the class start.

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Made by Erelzen

The lock on the door to the kitchen made a kerchack sound as it was locked, a tall lithe man striking up a cigarette as he turned away. As an assistant to the home ec teacher, Sanji had volunteered to come in early on certain days to handle prep work for both classes and the lunchtime meals. The busy work preparing broth, putting away dishes, and provisioning out ingredients was a simple joy for the cook, knowing that his work would go towards improving the quality of the home ec class and enrich the afternoon meals served to the students. The only real reward he took from the volunteer work was the privilege of a morning smoke before classes began, as smoking was otherwise banned during school hours. 

Leisurely strolling to his class where he appreciated some of the sexual posters lining the walls advertising various clubs. He had about a half-hour to spare before students would begin to trickle in, so he took his time before eventually arriving at his class. Sliding open the door, he was greeted with the sight of a woman sitting back with legs crossed in a seductive pose upon a desk. His desk. “Ah…! Kalifa-sensei~♥” Immediately jumping into a pirouette, Sanju spun across the room over to the mature woman, taking her hand in his and giving it a deep kiss. “My Lady… Your mere presence has swept my day with a shower of beautiful rose petals~ To think that I would find such beauty in the morning… Ahh~♥”

“How charming, Sanji-kun. I took the liberty of examining the school schedule, to find out a time where I could speak with you… in private.”

Sanji’s heart skipped a beat. In private!? Wh-Wh-What!? With me!?!? “Miss Kalifa… No, my Queen! Such honour! You can look at my schedule all you want! I can provide my afterschool plans! By all means, invade my privacy if it means I can hear your melodious voice even a tiny bit more!”

“Yes… Well, putting that aside.” She brushed a lock of hair to the side, her piercing yet gentle gaze never wandering from Sanji, who was busy popping his eyes out at her ridiculously short skirt and smooth thighs. “My reasons for seeing you today are not exactly of a personal nature. I am here about some rumoured infractions regarding your conduct at this school.” Taking a moment to flip out a notebook, she began to recite the information written. “You have been reported for 42 counts of verbal sexual harassment, 21 counts of smoking on the premises, and while unconfirmed, at least 10 times other students and staff have heard your voice and that of a female student engaging in sexual intercourse in the gym storeroom. All of these within the last month.” Slipping her notebook into her black leather jacket, she gave a slight smile, “Make that 22 counts of smoking, unless that happens to be a lollipop.” 

“A-Ahh… I-I see…” Sanji immediately dropped to his knees and prostrated himself. “Forgive me! I am but a weak male in the face of his lustful urges! I beg of you not to expel me! I-I’ll improve!!”

“…While it is true that you have broken many rules, such things are not uncommon at our school. I cannot enforce the rules to a perfect degree, nor should I with how hormonal the student base is.” Her voice stern, Sanji kept his head in place, not certain of what to expect. “The smoking is mostly a concern for your health, so I won’t stop you so long as you don’t do it inside the building, or I suppose before school begins is fine too. No, the real issue here is the number of reports. Even if you are suffering from raging hormones, you are simply accosting girls far too much and missing classes while you do. Now, I have no desire to expel you, nor do I think detention will do you any good. What you need more than anything else, is a healthy outlet.” 

“Miss…?” As Sanji raised his head, Kalifa uncrossed her legs which gave Sanji a clear view under her skirt. “Uwaaaahh!!!” His jaw dropped and his heart shot out of his chest. In place of regular panties, she was wearing a thin thong of thin black fishnet. The fabric was almost entirely see-through, letting him get an eyeful of her pert pussy. Blood rushed out his nose, his cock immediately at full attention. “Kalifa-senseiiiiii!! Y-You don’t mean!?”

“Yes. I wouldn’t be doing my job unless I took care of my students. And considering your wonderful track record outside of aforementioned issues…” She hopped up off the desk, casting a shadow over Sanji as he shook with excitement. “I favour rehabilitation over punishment.”

Sanji shot up, his body stiff as a board. “I completely agree! Thank you, Kalifa-sensei!”

“How polite. But you can drop the sensei while we’re outside of school hours.” She motioned towards his desk, “Please, take a seat so we can begin. We don’t have a large amount of time so I would like to be efficient.”

“Yes!! Kalifa-sama!!” 

She let out a soft sigh, “That’s sexual harassment again, Sanji. But if it makes you comfortable I will endure.” Sanji sat in his chair and pulled up to his desk. The excitement of doing lewd stuff in a classroom was making him painfully hard, as he watched Kalifa crouch down and sprawl under his desk, he nearly came in his pants. Clutching his cigarette, he felt some rustling in his pants as they were unbuttoned and pulled down, his cock springing out to freedom. He leaned back, hearts in his eyes as the cool Kalifa nuzzled up to his crotch, his dick resting upon her face.

“You certainly have a healthy scent. Cleanly shaven, a pleasant weight to it. And… Ahhm~ A delicious taste. No wonder you are so sexually active, certain girls can easily be addicted to a fine specimen of dick, like this.” Drawing her tongue up his full length, letting Sanji’s cock throb and flail wildly across her face. “And sensitive too, that settles it, I must take care of this properly.” Putting her soft lips against Sanji’s sack, she sucked gingerly on his sack while forming a ring with her fingers to lightly stimulate his glans. She popped a ball inside her mouth, rolling it around, her hand drawing long slow strokes up and down his shaft.  

“Ahhn… Ahh! You’re so good at this Kalifa-sama!” Like putty, Sanji couldn’t help but melt at the skillful movements of tongue and hand carefully stimulating him in tandem. She moved from one ball to the other, carefully observing Sanji’s expression and the twitches in his cock. She was focused entirely on how her oral servicing was affecting him, learning where he was most sensitive, what he liked most, how to bring about the most amount of pleasure to satisfy the overly horny male. “L-Looking into my eyes while sucking me off~ You’re too sexy Kalifa-sama!!”

If his praise had any effect on her, it was subtle. Did she squeeze just a little bit harder? Did she savour the texture of his cock with her tongue just a little bit longer? It was hard to tell, her focused expression didn’t give away how she was feeling at all. “Mhhn… Sanji-kun, don’t- Sluuuuuurp! Ahh… Don’t misunderstand. This is not a romantic engagement, I am… Sluuuuurp! Just performing my duties…♥” Before Sanji could respond, she interrupted him by suddenly taking his tip onto her mouth, rolling her tongue around it and forcing a low moan from Sanji.

“Nhhg… I-I can’t say I’m unhappy with that, but… Ooh!” Sanji stammered as Kalifa swallowed up every inch of his dick, her throat squeezing his cock while her chin pressed into his balls. “Ahhhh! Kalifa-sama! Even if you say you’re doing this because of your job… Uwaah! I-I’m too happy for words!” Tears of joy streamed down from his half-lidded eyes, “The focused look in your beautiful eyes, your firm yet delicate touch~ You’ve moved my heart!!”

Picking up the pace even while he was speaking, Kalifa could tell he was getting close to orgasm. She could practically feel the bliss radiating from his hips, his legs pressing tightly against her sides. He was reduced to swiftly intensifying moans, being rushed past the point of no return by Kalifa’s full cock slurps. Right as the first spurt of cum was shooting up his cock, she deftly pulled his cock out, moving down to suck his sack while stroking with her hand. The first rope shot out, putting a white streak across her forehead, another went in her hair, on her cheek, dripping down to her lips. To Sanji, it felt as if she was massaging out every drop directly from his balls right up to his tip, he was being milked dry in one massive mind-shattering orgasm.

Her face was completely covered with pearly white semen. Some had landed back on Sanji’s cock, but not a single drop had been spilt to the floor. Sanji weakly whispered her name, to which she responded by opening wide and taking his half-soft cock into her mouth, cleaning it up while sucking out the last little bit of cum left inside his urethra. Sanji was beyond words at this point, slumping forward and letting out a contented sigh. 

Her job finished, Kalifa shuffled out from under the desk, standing back up, her glazed face shimmering in the sunlight. “There, I trust that was satisfactory?” She ran a finger across her face and sampled his semen again. “Mhm… A high virility too… I’m going to have to pay particular attention to you lest you end up knocking a girl up.” Taking a handkerchief out, she wiped herself clean and straightened out her hair, looking like she hadn’t just been devouring several inches of cock a few moments ago. “Make sure you refasten your pants, class will be beginning soon. And put out your cigarette, school hours began 2 minutes ago.”

And like that, she turned around and made her way to the door while Sanji fumbled clumsily with the buttons on his pants. The door slid open, “Oh, Robin-sensei. Good morning.” With just the faintest hint of a blush, Kalifa explained to Robin that she had been giving Sanji some guidance. Turning back to him and giving him a smile, she left him there to compose himself as students began to flood in. She was precisely on time, efficiently having brought Sanji to a massive orgasm with barely a moment to spare. And Sanji could only wonder if she had really planned that out so perfectly.

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