Horny Days Character #3 – Nami

Name: Nami

Role: Student   Access: Level 1

Group / Club : “Straw Hat” Gang Underworld Garden Club

Nami is a greedy and manipulative person but with an undeniable friendship and caring for her friends. She is a member of the Straw Hat group and the Garden Club where she cultivates her tangerine trees. 

Nicknamed “Bulgar Cat” by the attendees of the school for her outrageous prices and stealing tendencies.

Nami runs her own sex business in the Underworld of the school and her social media, making deals for toys and sex.

Many students picked the interest on working with her in order to gain some money through their bodies.

Nami shows herself as a dominant woman, seducing girls and boys alike for money or for her own sexual pleasure.

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